Friday, November 11, 2016

What I Ate Wednesday

Every Wednesday I look forward to reading other foodie bloggers WIAW (what I ate Wednesday) posts. They give me so many ideas for recipes and ways to incorporate cool new foods into my diet in addition to making me feel like I'm not alone in the food obsession department. I do have one question though, how the heck do they post what they ate all day Wednesday on a Wednesday morning?! Is it really WIAT? I keep taking all my pictures on Wednesdays and then by Friday I gather up the motivation to post. So here we go!
Breakfast lately has been a packet of oats, a handful of Pumpkin O's, and a spoonful of peanut butter. There is nothing worse than eating breakfast at 6am, and then being out of your mind starving by 8am. For me, I need fat in the morning. Either nut butter, nutty granola, or cheese needs to make its way into my stomach so that I don't feel the need to pause for a snack before 10am. Fat = Full.
Lunch this week has been a combination of different sandwiches made with left over meat (ham, pork, steak) and veggies on a nutty/grainy bread. I went a full month bringing salad for lunch every single day, so a week off has been a very welcomed change. I forgot how boring lettuce and Italian dressing is. Switching up your diet is so important! I feel fuller, I've actually lost a few pounds, and my poop schedule is perfect. (TMI but I love talking poop)
Dinner was steak nachos! Definitely my splurge night of the week, but so so worth it. I ate a solid third of this pan. From top to bottom it went: chips, refried beans, skirt steak, queso fresco, lettuce, pico de gallo, and guacamole. SO GOOD! This was my first attempt at creating a dish from one of my favorite Mexican restaurants and I think with a few tweaks, the homemade version might be even better. Using authentic ingredients makes a huge difference, American cheese just doesn't cut it sometimes. 
Missing our short trip to Door County last weekend
This weekend I am looking forward to some home improvement projects and relaxation. I can't wait to finish my book- Lottery by Patricia Wood, and bake a few healthy sweets for the week ahead. It's never too late to get on track, even with the holiday's approaching! 

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